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     Features is the fast, easy and reliable way to find new agents for your company.

One-Time Ordering
No need to reorder month after month. Once you sign up, your New Licensee lists arrive automatically every month. And, with our convenient monthly billing program, you never need to renew a subscription and can cancel at any time!

Geo Targeting
No more sorting through hundreds of New Licensee names to find the ones in your area. We save you time and effort by sending you just the names in the ZIP Code areas you choose!

Phone Numbers
Forget the time-consuming and frustrating task of having to look up phone numbers yourself. We take all the names from the ZIP Code areas you choose and cross-reference them with the most accurate and up-to-date phone directories available and append them to your lists for FREE!

User-Friendly Reports
No need to be a computer wizard. When your list arrives, simply click and open instantly Microsoft Word and Excel files that can be used to print call reports and mailing labels. Plus, you get a file you can easily import into your favorite contact management program!

Email Delivery
Enjoy the convenience of receiving your New Licensee lists wherever you go. Email delivery gives you a jump on the competition and allows you to easily archive your lists for long range recruiting goals.
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