The SurveyAmerica database is created from over 50 million direct-to-consumer
surveys mailed annually.
Consumers are asked
over 100 questions,
including whether they
own or rent, if they plan
to move, and if they plan to
buy a home.
Only consumers who meet all of our
strict criteria are included in our
database. For the Future Home Buyer
database, they must plan
to buy a home within
1 to 12 months. For the
Future Home Seller
database, they must own a home
and must plan to move in the next
1 to 12 months. Plus, we turbo-charge
your data with sophisticated "life event"
data proven to predict future home
buyers and sellers. |
At the beginning of each month, survey
responses from the previous month are
added to each database. Using the
consumer's property address, these
new records are cross-referenced
against the ZIP Codes
you have reserved.
All matching records
are then used to create
your Future Home Buyer Report or
Future Home Seller Report, which is
immediately e-mailed to you for your
exclusive use.